No. 1/2 (2021)
Ecclesiastical cultural heritage and spiritual heritage tourism
Gavino Maresu

The Italian Catholic Church is the owner of about 70% of the cultural-artistic patrimony of Italy, established by thousands of churches, monasteries, abbeys which contain thousands of masterpieces of architecture, painting, sculpture, mosaic works and handicrafts of the greatest artists in the history such as Michelangelo, Raffaello, Leonardo, Giotto, Tiziano, Caravaggio, Bernini, Donatello etc. Different laws and agreements between the Italian Government and Catholic Hierarchies regulate the protection, management and exploitation of this patrimony, but nowadays this is not suitably insertet in the tourist markets because of religious conditionings. This paper nevertheless advises a few ideas concerning the tourist management of the artistic churches compatible with its religious function, and proposes to structure the new tourism segment addressed not only to the catholic believers as the “religious tourism”, but to anybody, believer or not, very fond of arts, culture and heritage. This new tourism segment il called “Spiritual Heritage Tourism”.
Criteria for the valorisation of Italian villages for tourism purposes: case studies
Carmen Bizzarri, Roberto Micera

The paper comes from the need to search for criteria useful for the valorization of heritage towns, located in rural and/or inland areas of Italy, now affected to depression and depopulation process. To this end, the authors point out how territorial identity can constitute the theoretical foundation to influence the development policies and, in particular, the tourism development for sustainability process. It was therefore decided to interview a number of stakeholders who could contribute with their professionalism and expertise to identify possible paths and processes for the enhancement of these areas for tourism development. The methodology was based on be to be interviews with open questions, which allowed to identify a SWOT analysis, offering a guideline for a correct governance of these rural areas for their tourist enhancement, in terms of sustainability of development and tourist attractiveness. The study is an observatory that will monitor the implementation of sustainable tourism enhancement of the borghi, heritage town.
Is the round-the-world pandemic still round or not? The liquid effects of covid-19 on travel and tourism
Doriana Galderisi

This short paper on social psychology on the effects of COVD 19 on tourism is interesting: the author works in the field and proposes some interesting ideas starting from some syndromes of the tourist and from an original reading of the phenomenon by asking herself a question to which she polemically gets a no-answer. As a conclusion of the paper, in fact, he states that the world after the Pandemic is still round and that the real problem will be if man can turn around it without running the risk of becoming dying.
Beyond the Pandemic: Tourism Destination Building in Sicily
Filippo Grasso, Marco Platania

This study proposes some issues on tourism governance in the Sicilian region, suggesting a model for this geographical area. Starting from the analysis of the current state of tourism and post-pandemic scenarios, the paper analyzes the issues of planning and organization that should be guide the policy of the tourist destinations, and in particular that of the island. The governance processes can allocate on international markets the “territorial tourist product”, through the communication of a reliable and effective image and favoring responsible management of the territory. Covid-19 has shown the vulnerable face of tourism policies and has made the issue of tourism governance even more urgent, as it is clear that the recovery processes will be strongly influenced by the robustness of the destinations, also the result of existing management models.
Tourism, research and innovation in Sardinia. Operational proposals for the regional smart specialisationstrategy (s3) for 2021-27
Stefano Renoldi

The smart specialisation strategy (S3) is one of the main instruments of European economic policy for development in more or less specific or selective strategic areas. As part of the strategy approved in 2016 by the Sardinia Region, the “Tourism, culture and environment” area of specialization represents a key area of action in view of the creation of an island of knowledge and innovation based on environmental sustainability and the circular economy, a sector with consolidated specialization advantages and pervaded by ICT enabling technologies. In addition to the need to strengthen synergies with the issues of digital technologies, the work underlines how the use of innovative technologies does not end only in the field of technological innovation but also contributes to characterizing the innovations of business models and of an environmental and social nature within the business activity along the processes of the value chains characteristic of the sector.
Liberalisation of commercial activities in the process of 'touristisation' of small historic centres. The role of the local administration. The case of Pienza
Gabriele Vestri

This work is a study on the process of «turistification» of small historical centers. It refers to tourism massification and its effects in recent years. The research study the process of «touristification» due to the rules of liberalization of economic and commercial activities, that have taken place in Italy and seems to have produced a deterioration in the reality of these centers. At the same time, it is important to study the role of the public administration, mainly the local one. In this sense, we applied the research on a case of study: the City of Pienza, verifying by this way the complexity of the subject matter.
Tourism in Apulia in 2020
Antonio Rana

In 2020 tourism in Puglia returns to the levels of fifteen years before. Compared to the trend at national level, this contraction appears to be more attenuated. In Italy, in fact, due to the coronavirus health emergency, in 2020 we return to the levels of twenty years ago. This makes it possible to affirm that Puglia consolidates its market shares compared to the other Italian regions. The trend shows that 2020 is off to a good start, with the first two months recording an increase in arrivals and presences. In the following months there was a collapse in overnight stays, due to the negative contribution of both international and national customers. The last component, however, managed to support the flows in the summer. The contraction resumes in the autumn months. The decline in tourist flows affects all the provinces and towns of Puglia
The tourism sector in Calabria. Market dynamics 2010-2019
Francesco Samà

Tourism represents a sector of notable importance for the Italian economy, even though its potentiality, mostly in the ”Mezzogiorno”, are not fully exploited yet. The regions belonging to the Mezzogiorno indeed absorb a small share of the tourist inflow directed to Italy (18% of arrivals and 20% of presences). Calabria, despite the positive tendency over the last decade, still has a limited capacity to attract tourist compared to other southern regions. This paper analyzes the tourist sector in Calabria, considering both the demand and the supply side, in the period 2010-2019 with the aim to provide some reflections about the possible development strategies. The analysis identifies two main limits of the Calabrian touristic sector: the low attractiveness towards foreign demand and the high concentration of tourist flows in the summer months; both limits negatively affect the performance of firms in the sector and, in aggregate, impact on the added value and employment generated by the sector.
Residents' perception of tourism from Cetraro to Amantea in Calabria
Debora Calomino

Tourism is an activity closely linked to the territory in which it takes place, its success is determined by a series of factors, among which the human component plays a predominant role. Hospitality, the relationship between resident population and tourists, the quality of life of the area are important elements, to be taken into consideration when developing a tourism development strategy. The quality of life of the resident population greatly affects the quality of tourism in a destination: the perception of the territory by those who live it daily is the visiting card of the locality and the lack of services for residents obviously also affects the residents. temporary. This research analyzed the perception of residents towards tourism in a territory that extends over 11 municipalities (Cetraro, Acquappesa, Guardia Piemontese, Fuscaldo, Paola, San Lucido, Falconara Albanese, Fiumefreddo Bruzio, Longobardi, Belmonte Calabro and Amantea) along the Tyrrhenian coast of Cosenza, in Calabria.
Rethinking the red onion in an innovative way
Viktoriya Puzdranovska, Roberta Canfora, Renato Piazza, Mariagrazia Vitiello