No. 1 (2015)
Tourism, luxury and Made in Italy
Emilio Becheri

The title of this paper is Tourism, Luxury and Made in Italy, but it was presented at the BIT in Milan on the opening day of February 13, 2015.with the original similar but different title Travel in Made in Italy Luxury. The author explains the luxury from luxury cruise on the Nile start of the last century to the mega ships of today: luxury tourism is increasingly present.
Pre-competitive analysis of the accommodation sector in Chianciano Terme
Emilio Becheri, Anna Paola Maddalena, Ilaria Nuccio

The Chianciano revitalization This study was carried out for the hotel entrepreneurs of Chianciano, to contribute to the project to revitalize the city. The town, characterized by the dominance of the economy spa, is experiencing a nearly a quarter of a century a difficult situation because of the great crisis that affected the sector of traditional spas.
Recreational fishing as a new service attribute for tourism in the city of Florence
Elisabetta Ventisette

With post-industrialisation the fishing participation is reduced, indicating a negative effect of urbanization and post-modernisation on recreational fishing interest. Dedicated management and marketing intervention is needed to reverse the track of diminishing fishing interest in industrialized countries.