Resilience frameworks in tourism studies: a literature review


  • Marco Platania Department of Economics and Business, University of Catania, Palazzo delle Scienze Corso Italia, 55 - Catania, Italy,



resilience, literature, review, tourism


In recent years, there has been an increased interest in studies on economic resilience. There have been several contributions from scholars who have applied theoretical frameworks on various social and economic fields. Among these is the subject of tourism. Using a traditional narrative style, this paper summarises the main findings concerning resilience and tourism that have been published in academic journals over recent years and it provides some critical reflections about the research directions. For the selection of papers in this literature review, the author has considered those studies that have analysed the relationships between tourism and resilience within a tourist destination, in a framework of resistance and / or a recovery from shocks. The main results of this study will allow for one to acquire a complete picture of the studies in this line of research. This may be useful for future studies on resilience in the tourism sector.



2023-09-15 — Updated on 2024-03-18